[XviD-devel] Quant type (h263,MPEG,custom-MPEG) in IPB encoder

peter ross xvid-devel@xvid.org
Thu, 07 Nov 2002 19:48:31 +1100

>From: "Marc FD" <marcfd@free.fr>
>Is it really implemented ??

its not.

modulated quants are not mpeg-4 compliant. even though they work
with xvid, ffmpeg and divx5 decoders, there is no guarantee that
other decoders support it.

the mpeg-4 specification doesnt state how vols are treated mid-
bitstream. in the case of bframes, no one is quite sure whether the
vol should be treated as display order, or bitstream order.

technically only one vol per video-sequence is permitted.
for avi compatibility, xvid includes a vol before each ivop. this
is permitted, because we can argue each ipppppp (or ibbpbbpbbp)
sequence is a seperate video sequence.

>at least, i'm sure that there is no custom matrix support. harder to
>implement with bframes ?

i will look into it.

-- pete

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