AW: [XviD-devel] xvid_stat updated in stable tree

Bernhard Penz
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 09:45:22 +0200


Ok, finally got it compiled under windows, thanks for the hint with Wordpad.

The application crashes at line 84 in mem_aign.c (core), alignment=16,
		if ((tmp = (uint8_t *) malloc(size + alignment)) != NULL)
calling function at line 194 in encoder.c (core)
	pEnc = (Encoder *) xvid_malloc(sizeof(Encoder), CACHE_LINE);
The outermost calling function is at line 343 in main.c (xvid_stat) with
	status = enc_init(use_assembler)

My test input file is the cactus from CVS, I did not include any
preprocessor definitions for core or xvid_stat.


> I  need  feedback on  this  small  application,  win32 users,  please,
> compile  it and  tell me  if you  windows reports  a  memory exception
> error. I have access to only  1 windows pc and this windows reports me
> "errors" while  the same source  code compiled with cygwin  works just
> fine.
> I need  your feedback because xvid_stat  can be a  good replacement to
> all outdated  examples (xvid_encraw.c, xvid_deccraw.c, xvid_enc_dec.c,
> ex1/*) if it works well on all platforms. I plan to remove all uneeded
> and/or duplicated pieces  of code in examples.  So  i'll surely remove
> all examples except xvid_bench, xvid_stat and odivx_enc_dec.
> xvid_stat is known to work with these environments :
>   - GNU/Linux x86
>   - Win32 NT4 + Cygwin 1.3.12 x86
> xvid_bench is known to work on :
>   - GNU/Linux x86
> I'll do some tests on sourceforge compile farms (gnu/linux ppc, macosx
> ppc, and freebsd  4.? x86) tomorrow...  but *please*  give me feedback
> for other win32 platforms.
> PS : xvid_bench has to use gettimeofday that win32 OSes have not, i'll
> try to  replace this call  with clock(). This reduces  time precision,
> because gettimeofday  has useconds and  clock (according to  the POSIX
> standard) has only msecond precision. GetSystemTime has msecond too.
> --
> Edouard Gomez
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