[XviD-devel] minor changes / todo list

suxen_drol suxen_drol at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 21 01:41:44 CEST 2003


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 01:07:35 +0200 Michael Militzer <michael at xvid.org>
> Supposedly there is a bug. Because undersize where about 10 out of 600 meg.
> But whatever, credits should not influence the rate control accuracy. Our
> rate controller can reach a target size very accurately (+/- 0.1%). If we
> can fix the credits bug so that we can retain the rate control precision,
> the credits option is fine with me.

10 is a lot, i wll go over the old vfw credits code at somepoint.

iam still thinking about credits... in an ideal would we would have a
script that defines what options are used for macroblock regions individual
frames. for example, if credits/text are present in the video, enable
chroma optimization for the macroblocks of the text area.
however we're not living in such a world, and must sacrifice such
power/flexibility in favour of realitisc, down-to-earth options.

credits rate can be controlled using 2nd pass using scaling editor. so
maybe making the editor more generic to support 2/3 passes is neccessary.

for greyscaling credits, maybe we can just have a cfg text box that
lets u specifiy frame ranges (much like the print menu in msword):
for example "-1000-4000, 5000, 105000-", would encoding frames 1000-4000
in greyscale, frame 5000 in greyscale, and frames after 105000 in

> BTW: speaking about 2pass bugs, I also remember that b-frames in packed
> mode broke the 2pass rate control accuracy. I think we should fix this
> issue too. I know you don't like the packed mode, but I think many others
> (including me ;-)) would prefer it.

whilst ive not tested it, the core-based 2pass should respect target
with packed mode bframes. the length of the "fake/placeholder pframe" is
added to the length of the actual pframe before it is given to the rate

cbr does not work well with bframes, and i have my sights set on fixing
this as soon as 2pass issues are sorted. cbr is not aware of bframes and
the need modification to treate bframes quantizers differently to

> > the edited 2nd pass stats will contain an additional weight field.
> hm, maybe no weight field. I'd rather thought of adding an additional
> desired-length field which holds the number of bits for every frame that
> the encoder should achieve during the third-pass. This means that the
> external application has to do the scaling and the calculation of the
> frame bits. I think this would be more precise than weights but has the
> disadvantage that the 'zones feature' wouldn't be needed for the third-
> pass ;-)

the 2pass plugin presently supports external scaling, like you described,
using a desired_length field for each frame. this is intended for
debugging or the elite-super-users.

so, by using weights i was hoping to keep bitrate curve scaling purely
inside xvidcore, rather than having seperate scaling code in the editor.
either way it doesnt matter much, i will need to think some more about this...

(imho external scaling tools are an added nussiance. you must supply
them with the target filesize/bitrate and recalcuate the stats for the
entire file. with weights xvid does the recalcuations, and in theory you
could use vi just almost as easily as a gui editor to adjust weights.)

> > all of this isnt terribily difficult, however writing a nice stats
> > editor will take some time. it could also be written in a
> > platform-independant manner to give non-win32 folk access to bitrate
> > tuning. anyway, i will start thinking about a win32 prototype.
> yes, platform independent gui programming. I remember we discussed it
> already some time ago. I think Ed suggested wxWindows and I think I found
> it pretty good but never used it yet...

we've had a gui toolkit debate before. i do have a win32 stats editorprototype
yea, asside from the regular linux folks, is anyone here interested in
such a tool. keeping in mind, the such a tool would be restricted to 3rd
pass refinement (and possible 2nd pass scaling, for those game to guess
high bitrate zones) ?

ive attached a snap of my old stats viewing tool with mods. the line
running though the middle of the window indicates frame weight (value=1.0).

-- PeteSAF

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