[XviD-devel] ***SPAM*** UYVY decompression

Erkan Ermiş erkan_ermis at hotmail.com
Tue May 23 20:59:40 CEST 2006

Hi developper,

I am beginner in using XVid codec. I want to decompress an mp4 I-frame with size 704x576
but I am receiving run-time error at;
xerr = API_xvid_decore(dechandle, XVID_DEC_DECODE, &xframe, 0);

 The frame is valid mp4 I-frame i verified it.

It seems there is some invalid input parameters in "xframe"

How can I solve this, or what may cause this.

Thanks for you advices
Erkan Ermis




//... header file
typedef int (__cdecl *API_tag_xvid_global)(void *handle, int opt, void *param1,void *param2);
typedef int (__cdecl *API_tag_xvid_decore)(void *handle, int opt, void *param1,void *param2);


//... cpp file
void Decode(BYTE *lpbFrame, DWORD dwFrameSize, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight)
 //... Init Dll
 HINSTANCE hXvidDll; hXvidDll = LoadLibrary("xvidcore.dll");if(hXvidDll==NULL) return;
 API_tag_xvid_global      API_xvid_global;
 API_tag_xvid_decore    API_xvid_decore;
 API_xvid_decore = (API_tag_xvid_decore)GetProcAddress(hXvidDll,"xvid_decore");if(API_xvid_decore==NULL) return;
 API_xvid_global  = (API_tag_xvid_global)GetProcAddress(hXvidDll,"xvid_global");if(API_xvid_global==NULL) return;
 //... Initialize Decompressor
 int xerr;
 xvid_gbl_info_t  xinfo;
 xvid_gbl_init_t   xinit;
 xvid_dec_create_t xparam;
 xvid_dec_frame_t xframe;

 //... Get Info
 xinfo.version = XVID_VERSION;
 API_xvid_global(NULL, XVID_GBL_INFO, &xinit, NULL);

 //... Init
 xinit.cpu_flags = 0;
 xinit.version = XVID_VERSION;
 API_xvid_global(NULL, 0, &xinit, NULL);

 //... Create
 xparam.width = width;
 xparam.height = height;
 xparam.version = XVID_VERSION;
 xerr = API_xvid_decore(NULL, XVID_DEC_CREATE, &xparam, NULL);
 if(xerr==XVID_ERR_FAIL) return;
 void *dechandle;
 dechandle = xparam.handle;

 //... Decode Frame
 BYTE *lpbUYVY;lpbUYVY = new BYTE[width*height*3];if(!lpbUYVY) return; 
 xframe.version   = XVID_VERSION;
 xframe.bitstream  = lpbFrame;
 xframe.length   = dwFrameSize;
 xframe.output.plane[0] = lpbUYVY;
 xframe.output.plane[1] = NULL;
 xframe.output.plane[2] = NULL;
 xframe.output.stride[0] = 704;
 xframe.output.stride[1] = 0;
 xframe.output.stride[2] = 0;
 xframe.output.csp  = XVID_CSP_UYVY;
 xerr = API_xvid_decore(dechandle, XVID_DEC_DECODE, &xframe, 0); //... Giving Run-Time Error at this point

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