[XviD-users] Two Pass Encoding

Fabio Bizzi bizzi at albacom.net
Tue Dec 21 10:58:05 CET 2004


a little question about two pass encoding that flyes in my head from a 
long time:

In the first pass of a two pass encoding is necessary give to transcode 
program all the parameters of final transcoding?

For example, if I have to transcode a video that needs some filtering 
and resize, in the first pass is mandatory to give all the options, like 
bitrate, resampling, filtering etc, etc?

Thanks a lot! :)




Albacom S.p.A.
Fabio Bizzi
Direzione Tecnica - Rete -
Progettazione - Ing. dei servizi
Via Mario Bianchini, 15 - 00142 ROMA
Tel. +39-06-8741.5392
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