[XviD-devel] Status of GMC

Christoph Lampert xvid-devel@xvid.org
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:23:12 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Dirk Knop wrote:
> Oopsi, sorry, it's already in my unstable/dev-api-3-build :-( Well, just 
> for this reason (too early activation of a feature) I always have the 
> stable build online, and it's the first on my site ( please take a look: 
> http://www.roeder.goe.net/~koepi/ - the developer build is not the one 
> which gets your attention first ), and it's stated that the build is 
> _unstable_ , so I think the users who try that are warned... I didn't 
> intend to offense you! Sorry again!

You didn't offend anyone, but at the moment, GMC simply makes things
_worse_. You can put it in the unstable build, if you like, but 
it shouldn't be _enabled_ by default. Is it? Is there a button to switch
it on/off? (Sorry, I have no idea about windows GUI)...

I am sure than many "power users" always use latest "unstable" instead of
"stable" features, because of the many more options... 
