AW: [XviD-devel] Transcode module

Christoph Lampert
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 13:49:16 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Bernhard Penz wrote:

> Hi,
> > Okay, sounds reasonable. So in theory more than one video_object startcode
> > per frame is possible, even if not used in XviD (or anyother MPEG-4
> > codec I know of). It would therefore in general not be "clean" to simply
> > cut at VOP-start boundaries, but the timecode has to be taken into account
> > to see which VOPs belong in one chunk. Right?
> This is not correct. A VO Startcode indicates the start of a new video
> object, obviously. Someone could insert in a video elementary stream (VES)
> another VO startcode indicating the start of a new video object (Could be
> useful for e.g. changing the dimension of the video in a streaming
> environment). But currently most decoders crash when seeing a video
> elementary stream with more than one VOS/VO/VOL header.

Sorry, I didn't get your point. I said more than one video object is
possible within a frame, so if a bytestream is supposed to be split up
into chunks for an AVI file, it's not possible to simply put every VO into
a chunk of its own. 

Instead, several video objects might be necessary to correctly display one
video frame, and only the timecode can tell if two objects belong to the 
same frame or not. 

And this is _not_ correct? 
