[XviD-devel] Packaging issues, copyright/license check and big drop in performance in 1.2.1 compared to 1.1.2 (amd64)

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 15:06:27 CET 2009

Michael Militzer wrote:
> Hi,
> just a quick reply:
> As far as I know the different IA64 optimizations had been developed in
> small groups of students. So likely the authors of the other IA64 files are
> unfortunately not the same as those in src/dct/ia64_asm/fdct_ia64.s

Would it be possible to either track the names of the students or at
least assign the license in the headers (assuming the code sprint was
meant to produce GPL-2+ code, which you might be able to know)?

It's not a nitpick, I also consider those files to be open-source, but
legally it would be really appreciated, not to say critical for

> Regarding your 1.2.1 build problems: Have you checked the output of the
> configure script on why asm optimizations got disabled? Note that you need
> nasm for 1.2.1. Yasm won't do. Also you need a fairly recent nasm version
> (>= 2.0).

Thanks a lot, I hadn't seen that information anywhere in the release
notes, and was mislead by
http://list.xvid.org/pipermail/xvid-devel/2009-February/006044.html :
> Or, get latest yasm. Latest yasm (I use runs perfectly  
> with Xvid daily-snapshot.
I must say I even tried with latest yasm (r2171) and it didn't work. I
can't count the hours I lost trying to figure a way to get xvidcore work
with yasm as it used to.


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