[XviD-users] B-Frames & Trellis, and more...

Lee Morgan leemorgan at mac.com
Thu Feb 2 04:05:01 CET 2006

Hi I'm using XviD (via mencoder).

These are my current xvid options...

Which I must say, generates a very high quality video (higher than I  
could get from x264 - and believe me I tried) and at (what I  
consider) a very small file size; roughly 500MB for a 45 min video.

However I have a couple of questions...
(Note: Below, "gain", "help", etc all refer to either increasing  
quality or decreasing file size while keeping the same quality).

1) I read that only 2 b-frames are recommended, I suppose this is  
because of high motion scenes - due to XviD not having adaptive B- 

2) If I'm using vhq=4 should / do I gain anything from also using  

3) Would using lumi_mask help any?

4) How about altering bf_threshold?

I realize that the best way to know is to encode some videos myself;  
however I'm just trying to get pointed in the "right" direction.

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