[XviD-users] B-Frames & Trellis, and more...

Gergely Kontra kgergely at mcl.hu
Thu Feb 2 12:13:29 CET 2006

2006/2/2, Lee Morgan <leemorgan at mac.com>:
> I realize that the best way to know is to encode some videos myself; however
> I'm just trying to get pointed in the "right" direction.

Hi! Are you aware of this?

However, if you'd like to achieve the best quality/time, you'd leave
out qpel IMHO.

AFAIK you can happily have more B-frames. Just your Xvid DVD player
won't play it. B-frames are small, so can increase compressability.

+-[ Gergely Kontra <kgergely at mcl.hu> http://www.mcl.hu/~kgergely ]------+
| PhD Student (Room:IB113)  PGP ID: 0x7E3846BF  Mobile:(+36 20)356 9656 |
| Budapest University of Technology and Economics        ICQ# 175564914 |
+------------- "Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy poroltoval kellene jarnom!" -+

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