[XviD-devel] XviD on Mac OS X

Sebestyén Gábor segabor at mac.com
Mon Aug 23 07:06:23 CEST 2004

On 2004. Aug 21, , at 10:17 du, Christoph Nägeli wrote:

> Sounds too slow to me.
Yes. For me too. I can believe your test but actually I believe to my 
eyes :)

I compiled xvidcore-1.0.1 from the ground and saw the terribly slow 
result. As I mentioned earlier the configure recognized my iMac as a 
generic platform and prepared the code to compile with no acceleration. 
Trying to tweak platforms.inc, etc. brought no luck, ppc asm code found 
uninterpretable by the gcc-3.3 assembler.

Then I replaced it to libavcodec and with the same xvid movie it 
produced a seemingly faster play speed without needing to tweek the 

You told me I should use xvidcode from cvs. It means that the cvs 
version is much more ppc capable and faster than the official 1.0.1 
release which is freshly issued. How could it be? It is veeery strange 

Soon I'll check the cvs version giving one more chance to beat 

Best regards,


"Earth is a beta site."

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